Brunswick Parade of Homes

Brunswick County Parade of Homes

Brunswick County Parade of Homes

Parade of Homes Leadership Team

Thanks to the individuals listed below who participated in the 2024 Parade of Homes Committee. We appreciate your guidance and input shared in order to make this year’s Parade happen.
Tracey Tew

Executive Director, Brunswick County HBA

Lindsey Cartee

First National Bank

Joe Morgan

Brunswick Parade of Homes
Sherwin Williams

Seth Newman

Port City Elevator

Kenzi weber

Vivid Digital Media

Julie Crouch

Custom Home Furnishings

about us

The BCHBA is a non-profit, professional membership organization comprised of over 300 members representing the building industry in southeastern North Carolina.

As a local custom builder and the current President of the Brunswick County Home Builders Association (BCHBA), I am proud to welcome you to the 2024 Brunswick County Parade of Homes. The Parade of Homes has become a tradition in Brunswick County, since its inception in 2003. This Parade has proven to be of great benefit to the local economy. And, many of our Parade attendees have gone from being visitors to the area to residents of one of the fastest growing counties in the southeast.As you view our Parade entries, you will notice various levels of access to the entries. In addition to the 30 new homes open to the public, we also have seven homes available by virtual tour or appointment only, as well as seven renovation entries. All of our Parade entries are highlighted on the website and include both photos as well as video tours. These tours will enable guests to enjoy visiting our homes from the comfort of “anywhere” and allow the homes to be viewed long after the event is over. Take all the time you need to review all of our entries and share the latest architectural trends and design ideas with family and friends. We also encourage you to contact the builders directly with any questions about their homes.

The BCHBA is sincerely appreciative of the contributions and support of our membership, committees, local vendors, subcontractors, and others who choose to support this program. Please support these companies and organizations that have provided significant support to our industry and the local economy. Thank you for your participation in the 2023 Parade of Homes! We look forward to seeing you during the 2023 Parade of Homes – and hope you find the home of your dreams!

Matt Scharf

—Matt Scharf, President, Brunswick County HBA